Unfortunately, Aleksander Kwaśniewski came down with some sort of bug that prevented him from attending SWSPiZ's opening ceremony. Instead, this lovely man, Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, the former Prime Minister of Poland spoke.
I arrived thirty five minutes early (not early enough, evidently as my professorial contact insisted on calling my old phone number multiple times), and I sat around in a very lovely room in this very lovely building.
Shortly after arriving, I met Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz (referred to as Wlody from now on). So, he told me about his family. We talked about being Fulbrighters (Fulbrighter for life, yo!). He explained what his speech would be about - since the speech itself was in Polish. (The EU's need to get its act together before China takes over the world.)
After his speech, he received some flowers. Flowers which he then gave to me.
So I journeyed home with this monstrous bouquet. Which seemed a bit awkward at the time because there were totally three possible future Polish husband contenders in the metro car with me!
So, I didn't get to wear these sweet robes, but I did get some flowers from the Prime Minister!
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