We started in Swidnica - founded in 990. In Swidnice is this Church of Peace (Kosciol Pokoju w Swidnicy). It's entirely legit and built of wood. The deal was that this guy had to build the church within a year if he wanted it. So it was built incredibly quickly by some awesome people.
The best part of this church (other than the private box seats for the wealthy) was that the pulpit included hourglasses. I need to give one of those to Father Andy at SRB, for real.
Next we headed to Ksiaz Castle, which was built in 1288 (or at least, the first written texts about it were around 1288). It was part of the Piast dynasty. Then it changed hands a bunch, and people built on to it. Hitler totally invaded it and constructed tunnels beneath the castle, but no one knows where they were supposed to go. The best part of the castle is that some woman from Spain totally enchanted the castle owner. So he married her. Then she took a fancy to his son. So she divorced the owner of the castle and married her stepson. Gross.
Below is the most beautiful room of the castle and our wonderful shepherd, Roland (also Rolly).
After this, we ate obiad at the mansion of this woman who started a preschool to get German and Polish children to interact more.
If you are looking for information about Książ you can look for Riese in 'wiki' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Riese